Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Cats, Birthdays and Oil Drums

It has been so long since my last blog I am not sure where to begin. There are new family members to say hello to and sadly to say goodbye to as well.

Let’s start by getting the tears out of the way and say goodbye to our oldest cat, Rocket. Her start to life was not unusual but as you will read, she came from a chap in my circle called Dick who is rather better known now as the chap who built the custom bike for Ewan Macgregor on BBC2 programme Long Way Round. My partner (W) was heartbroken when his cat Star was killed outside our house, more so because the driver did not stop and he vowed no more cats as this was the third cat killed in a short period of time. Dick said he had kittens and W (after being badgered quite hard) said he would only have one if it was pure black. Six weeks later a large motorbike roared up at home being ridden by Dick’s friend M. As a biker, M was adorned in his best Bell staffs and then, from in his pocket, he pulled a six week old, pure black kitten. She became Rocket, and W decided to give her a fighting chance by putting her in the dog basket with our Dobermans. As Rocket grew she decided she was, in fact, a very small but agile Doberman. This included rounding up the dogs, eating their dinner whilst they watched and refusing to use a cat flap but will “bark” at the door (well cat whine really). Out of all our animals Rocket had always been “Top Dog”, and as such every animal irrelevant of species, answered to her. She had odd habits such as falling into oil drums and bringing home presents such as a rabbit on Christmas day to share with her pals. She also preferred to sleep in boxes and on a fleece, oh and never, ever, wake her up! Rocket would use a human arm like an Etch – A – Sketch if woken wrongly. Rocket put up with children of all ages and was really friendly most of the time and only became grumpy as she became a pensioner of the cat world. She taught cat skills to all the other kittens we brought home and had a very special relationship with W, quite often they would spend evenings curled up together which was lovely to see. Rocket was a unique kitty who was loved by all that knew her and even now as I type this I have tears in my eyes for the friend I miss most dearly. RIP Rocket.

As I had a birthday over the summer I thought a day out at the pub was in order as, to be honest, the house was a mess and neither of us could be arsed to do anything about it at the time. My sister S and family popped over to the house before the pub so, after tripping over all the stuff in the yard I had not cleaned, up her youngest 2 girls, J and K, gave me a box with the smallest, cutest kitten you have ever seen. Her ears were and still are way too big for her head and we are hoping she will grow into them one day and she is white and silver tabby so in honour of Rocket we called her Comet. Welcome to the family.

More later and keep smiling people


Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Easter and the Mad Nana

Hello People,

I have not blogged in ages do thought I had better put fingers to keyboard, hands up all those who remember a pen before it became a “Communication Interface”! It has been an interesting few weeks coping with good news, bad news and 1 mad grandma. In no particular order, here is what has been going on.

Grandson number 2 otherwise known as Stuntman has finally been diagnosed with a form of Epilepsy. It took several fits, Stuntman being hospitalised three times, an episode of him not breathing and then add the complete stupidity of Basildon Hospital. If ever your kids get sick take them anywhere other than there! I would like to add that in my humble opinion some areas of the hospital cannot be faulted i.e. Breast Care Centre and Orthopaedics. Anyway the Stuntman is recovering and is back to his cheeky little self.

Stuntman and Grandson Number 1 otherwise known as Bomber stayed over last Monday as Mum was off to Thorpe Park for the day and we decided to tire them both out with several trips to the park over the course of the day. We played football, chased Butterflies, let them ride their bikes and even managed to fit in feeding the ducks before bed, a jolly good time was had by all and after they had been fed and showered, which they both hated and screamed the house down during, we put them to bed. Both are normally very good and Bomber often puts himself to bed with Stuntman following later however Monday was to be the exception to the rule. We finally had them both down by 10pm and thought that would be it apart from the odd bottle or night nappy change but how wrong we were. I have often been amused that no matter what or how much a child eats, it always manages to double or treble in size by the time it hits the nappy so I wonder what would happen if I fed them £50 notes. All was well until 2am when Stuntman woke up, thankfully he wakes with a smile and we do the bottle and nappy thing and put him back down and like I said, normally that would be it…But no, he had decided that despite the hour, he was getting up and just for good measure he woke his brother up for company. My other half was trying his best but they are a handful and I got up to join him even though I had work in the morning, we tried everything from playing cars to Pingu DVD’s but to no avail. I don’t think the dog will ever recover from Stuntman dressing her up as a Cowboy and being chase around the living room. By 6am we were both shattered but the boys had more energy than a Duracell battery! By the time I got to work I was struggling to stay awake but thankfully it was an easy day and my step daughter was so pleased that the boys went for a nap after she had collected them as it means they will sleep better. I remember a time I could party all night then into work with no ill effects, now I can barely stay up past 12, when did I get so bloody old?

Easter was a quiet affair until the big day dinner at my sisters. Dinner was fabulous and it was wonderful to have all the family around one table rather than dinner on lap in front of TV which so many seem to prefer. The kids were silent as they munched and the teenagers actually turned off their Ipod although I did have to remind them how it was incredibly bad manners to have it at the dinner table. Yes they sulked and argued the toss as teenagers do, but it worked and they even tried the art of conversation but as they are teenagers it was rather like trying to read a text message, you know roughly what is said but the exact words are lost on you. I love these occasions and often look forward to them however add 1 Nutty Nana to the equation and we have a whole new game.

After dinner Nana came and sat by me and we were chatting although to be honest I could not hear very well as I have misplaced a hearing aid and she was sitting on that side of me, anyway, she was telling me something regarding her cat who had been unwell and required a trip to the Vet and she said something about being given pills for her. I asked Nana to continue which she did by pulling what I thought were her cat’s tablets out of her coat pocket. The bag she drew out looked, well put it this way, my other half looked up as it to say “Flaming Hell her Nana’s a drug dealer”. Having shot him down in flames with one look, I put my lovely fresh Strawberries that I was eating, down and inspected the bag. It was only at this point I realised that not only had I misunderstood the entire story regarding the cat but I was now the proud possessor of a bag containing the cats teeth complete with bits of gum still attached. Whilst I am not normally squeamish even I was thrown by this and the rest of the Strawberries went untouched. Apparently Nana had said she had to get new pills to stop the cat getting an infection after having its teeth removed. Even if she does keep her cats teeth in a bag in her coat pocket you have to love her eccentricities.

A load more has happened so I will blog soon. In the meantime take care and keep smiling people.

Angie xx

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Subtitles and Stupid Doctors

Hello People,

Today’s blog is on a subject close to my heart, subtitles on DVD’s.

I was born with normal hearing but in my early thirties I developed a hearing disease which means I am slowly, but surely, losing my hearing completely. It has taken me sometime to adjust to my world becoming increasingly quiet but I am finding it has its advantages i.e. screaming kids, take my hearing aids out and no more problem! The disadvantages are many but my main one is that I can no longer eavesdrop which for me and some of my fellow woman kind, is a disaster, but I now realise it is just something to take in my stride. On the upside, I can read lips from across a room so at least I have a fighting chance of knowing what the gossip is! My grandsons although young, understand when nanny takes her ears out it is because they are making too much noise however they are both picking up sign language brilliantly even though I might be ever so slightly biased. Both realise that they have to stand in front of me when speaking or get my attention so I look at them, not bad considering they are only 1 and 2 years old.

We have a large selection of DVD’s aimed at kids such as Bagpuss, The Clangers, Ivor the Engine and the Trumpton / Camberwick Green box set, ok we said we bought them for the kids but well….they are still as good as they ever was and all of them have subtitles. In today’s technological era you would have expected all DVD’s would come with subtitles but no. Increasingly I am finding because my taste is outside the realm of Hollywood blockbusters and other main stream viewing programs, that some new DVD’s do not have subtitles. Why? We can send humans to the Moon destroy our planet with bombs and even clone cells so what is so difficult about added text detail for those who need it. It is not just the Deaf who use subtitles; my Step Daughter uses them on kids programs to encourage my grandsons to read. My partner uses them when watching TV in bed and I am asleep and, of course, I use them just to follow the plot. I have tried direct emailing everyone remotely famous on (a brilliant site) asking them to ensure that their DVD’s come with subtitles but no one has even replied to me.

Most people assume because you wear hearing aids you have learning difficulties and I get treated differently to other people when shopping anywhere new, my regular shops treat me the same and people in work often forget which is fine until they speak and I can’t see there lips move! What really made me laugh was when I visited the Doctor and I had to see a locum. You would expect a Doctor to understand the communication issues I face but no, he decided to speak into his desk and then (because I asked him to look at me when speaking) he started over pronouncing all his words. Yep because that is not patronising at all, I AM DEAF NOT STUPID! I have a Degree, ten GCSE’s, two A Levels and an NVQ’s, just speak normally you complete tit!!!

So here I am on a one woman crusade to get all DVD’s to have subtitles, if you have an idea that could help I would love to hear about it, start twittering about it, facebook it and tell your friends. Ok rant over.

More later people and take care of yourselves.

Angie xx

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Green Living & Death by Chocolate and Cider

Ok I am sat in work bored to tears, can’t surf the web as we had an email reminding us we are being monitored, can’t do any work as I have done it all, can’t chat as my colleague is on leave this afternoon, no one else likes me enough to make conversation (their loss) and to top it all no bingo tonight. How on earth am I supposed to manage without my weekly Scary Mary dose?

The good news is the major project W has been working on has finally left the house. The bad news is W has just ate my leftovers from the Indian takeaway which I was really looking forward to tonight. It is bad enough I have to hide chocolate like an alcoholic hides their booze but W calls it “Mental Torture” knowing sweeties are in the house but he cannot find them. Well honey, men have died for a lot less and quite frankly devour them during the wrong week in the month and I guarantee I will walk out of court cleared of your demise… All of this could have been avoided if he had remembered to take the fish out of the freezer when asked yesterday but he forgot and by the time I got home from work to make the Fish Pie I had been planning all day, the sodding lot was still solid. Tonight I have the wonderful task of gutting and filleting a dozen herring and a conger eel. Yeah my life is just one long exciting road. I don’t mind but it is not like I can have a drink while I am completing the gutting as the knife is way too sharp to risk it!

I won 4 tickets for a Motorbike Show this weekend and then found out no one wants them as everyone is busy and I ask myself “Do I smell” then remember most of my biking buddies are single parents and babysitting at short notice is not an easy thing to arrange.

W and I are what my sister refers to as “Hippy’s” personally I think it more of a green lifestyle for instance we so not have mains water and collect and recycle rainwater instead. We have not had a bin collection in over 10 years because we:
A. Don’t have a bin collection
B. Recycle everything
We have a log burning stove rather than any other heating in which we burn all the fallen logs we find lying around and we make our own Cider from apples we collect from trees that line our local roads although the next time W says to me first thing on a Sunday morning “Come on babe, get dressed we are going out” I will know better than to expect a visit to a boot sale or a fry up at the greasy spoon as last time he took me to the A127 and had me picking apples from the trees on the central reservation! Although I have to admit the Cider was superb and we will be doing the same next year. I buy all my vegetables and fruit from the local farm shop and my meat from a local butcher and worked out I save over £100 per month compared to shopping at my local Tesco and I get much better quality and all my food is produced locally, no air miles on our dinner. I try to grow as much of my own vegetables as possible too and I cannot tell you how fantastic the difference is in the taste. The only problem is I don’t have a garden so everything is in pots and containers but saying that, I have managed to grow Parsnips in a half cut barrel, spuds in a car tyre stack and strawberries in our hanging baskets! I urge you, even if it is Basil in a small pot on the window sill, grow your own as it is a choice you will never regret.

Take Care People xxxx

Saturday, 17 January 2009

The Dogs opinion followed by the Cat

WHAT PETS WRITE IN THEIR DIARIES!!!Excerpts from a Dog's Diary......

8:00 am - Dog food! My favorite thing!
9:30 am - A car ride! My favorite thing!
9:40 am - A walk in the park! My favorite thing!
10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!
12:00 pm - Lunch! My favorite thing!
1:00 pm - Played in the yard! My favorite thing!
3:00 pm - Wagged my tail! My favorite thing!
5:00 pm - Milk Bones! My favorite thing!
7:00 pm - Got to play ball! My favorite thing!
8:00 pm - Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favorite thing!
11:00 pm - Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!

The Cat Diary

Day 983 of my captivity...My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength.The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet.Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates what I am capable of. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a 'good little hunter' I am. Bastards.There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of 'allergies.' I must learn what this means and how to use it to my advantage.Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow -- but at the top of the stairs.I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released - and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded.The bird has got to be an informant. I observe him communicating with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe. For now................

Friday, 16 January 2009

Cousins, Tumble Driers and Stress

As I sit on a Friday contemplating the week that has passed I realise why I have had a headache all week. Stress is not normally something I have to deal with very often, thankfully but today it all seems to have caught up with me. The week started with me running Welly to work which is fine but means a really early start and as I am not a morning person, left me feeling a little out of sorts. I am the kind of person who you avoid until about 10am otherwise I am very likely to shout, scream and be generally unpleasant just because I am miserable first thing! As I drive back to collect the love of my life from work I get stuck in traffic and spend over 2 hours trying to get somewhere that should take about a quarter of the time, not a good start to the week.

Tuesday I get a phone call from a cousin I have not seen in a number of weeks who is working nights in central London and as they live in Devon want to stay at my house during the day sot hey can sleep. Of course I would love to help them but as I have had no water since Boxing Day and 4 Rotties that would think him nothing more than a Scooby Snack I have to ask No1 Step Daughter if she can help. Bless her heart as she agrees. I also organised a back up plan in case any thing went wrong but all is running well to date apart from the ear hole grief I am getting from her regarding her Tumble Drier that has given up the ghost. I have pointed out that as it is several years old, was purchased second hand and has moved house 3 times it has had a good innings and really she would be better off getting a new one. As any parent will tell you, kids can drop hints like bricks off a bridge and they are a lot less subtle. As we paid the deposit for 2 houses and bought her a washing machine, we would not be helping her with this little problem especially as she has my washing line in her back garden! Still she persists...

Wednesday we go to Scary Mary and her husband Frightening Frank evening otherwise known as Bingo, tonight we are accompanied by her fellas Mum and Sister, a good night but no winnings. The break halfway was again much fun as I still have to laugh at Scary Mary & Frightening Frank running for the smokers room. Cousin is now settled in and having dinner at mine tomorrow.

Thursday we find out that we can have our life back on Tuesday when the major project welly has been working on, is finally leaving so we book the day off from work and propose to get very drunk in celebration of the event that has been over 10 years in the offing. Dinner went well although has to throw Cousin out of door to work as he was having a good time and did not want to leave, even saw an old friend who joined us for dinner. Yep a very good night although still getting hints for a tumble drier!

So here we are, back to where we started. Tonight I am looking forward to getting home and chilling. Missed out on seeing all my friends this week apart from 1 so definitely going to see my sister S and family as I miss them very much. That should sort out any stress, she is ace at getting you chilled! More soon.

Have a great weekend people

Angie xxx