I have not blogged in ages do thought I had better put fingers to keyboard, hands up all those who remember a pen before it became a “Communication Interface”! It has been an interesting few weeks coping with good news, bad news and 1 mad grandma. In no particular order, here is what has been going on.
Grandson number 2 otherwise known as Stuntman has finally been diagnosed with a form of Epilepsy. It took several fits, Stuntman being hospitalised three times, an episode of him not breathing and then add the complete stupidity of Basildon Hospital. If ever your kids get sick take them anywhere other than there! I would like to add that in my humble opinion some areas of the hospital cannot be faulted i.e. Breast Care Centre and Orthopaedics. Anyway the Stuntman is recovering and is back to his cheeky little self.
Stuntman and Grandson Number 1 otherwise known as Bomber stayed over last Monday as Mum was off to Thorpe Park for the day and we decided to tire them both out with several trips to the park over the course of the day. We played football, chased Butterflies, let them ride their bikes and even managed to fit in feeding the ducks before bed, a jolly good time was had by all and after they had been fed and showered, which they both hated and screamed the house down during, we put them to bed. Both are normally very good and Bomber often puts himself to bed with Stuntman following later however Monday was to be the exception to the rule. We finally had them both down by 10pm and thought that would be it apart from the odd bottle or night nappy change but how wrong we were. I have often been amused that no matter what or how much a child eats, it always manages to double or treble in size by the time it hits the nappy so I wonder what would happen if I fed them £50 notes. All was well until 2am when Stuntman woke up, thankfully he wakes with a smile and we do the bottle and nappy thing and put him back down and like I said, normally that would be it…But no, he had decided that despite the hour, he was getting up and just for good measure he woke his brother up for company. My other half was trying his best but they are a handful and I got up to join him even though I had work in the morning, we tried everything from playing cars to Pingu DVD’s but to no avail. I don’t think the dog will ever recover from Stuntman dressing her up as a Cowboy and being chase around the living room. By 6am we were both shattered but the boys had more energy than a Duracell battery! By the time I got to work I was struggling to stay awake but thankfully it was an easy day and my step daughter was so pleased that the boys went for a nap after she had collected them as it means they will sleep better. I remember a time I could party all night then into work with no ill effects, now I can barely stay up past 12, when did I get so bloody old?
Easter was a quiet affair until the big day dinner at my sisters. Dinner was fabulous and it was wonderful to have all the family around one table rather than dinner on lap in front of TV which so many seem to prefer. The kids were silent as they munched and the teenagers actually turned off their Ipod although I did have to remind them how it was incredibly bad manners to have it at the dinner table. Yes they sulked and argued the toss as teenagers do, but it worked and they even tried the art of conversation but as they are teenagers it was rather like trying to read a text message, you know roughly what is said but the exact words are lost on you. I love these occasions and often look forward to them however add 1 Nutty Nana to the equation and we have a whole new game.
After dinner Nana came and sat by me and we were chatting although to be honest I could not hear very well as I have misplaced a hearing aid and she was sitting on that side of me, anyway, she was telling me something regarding her cat who had been unwell and required a trip to the Vet and she said something about being given pills for her. I asked Nana to continue which she did by pulling what I thought were her cat’s tablets out of her coat pocket. The bag she drew out looked, well put it this way, my other half looked up as it to say “Flaming Hell her Nana’s a drug dealer”. Having shot him down in flames with one look, I put my lovely fresh Strawberries that I was eating, down and inspected the bag. It was only at this point I realised that not only had I misunderstood the entire story regarding the cat but I was now the proud possessor of a bag containing the cats teeth complete with bits of gum still attached. Whilst I am not normally squeamish even I was thrown by this and the rest of the Strawberries went untouched. Apparently Nana had said she had to get new pills to stop the cat getting an infection after having its teeth removed. Even if she does keep her cats teeth in a bag in her coat pocket you have to love her eccentricities.
A load more has happened so I will blog soon. In the meantime take care and keep smiling people.
Angie xx
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